5 tips to clean your windows like a pro

Key tips to remember
- Choose the right tools
- Bust mildew with bleach
- Drop commercial window cleaners
- Start inside
- Don't forget the screens
Looking for your next spring cleaning task? It might be time to give your windows a thorough scrub. Not only will cleaner windows let more of the beautiful spring light in, they’ll let more natural heat from that sunshine come in along with it; helping to warm your home without having to touch the thermostat. We’ve outlined five pro-tips to help you get an easy, streak-free shine this spring.
1. Choose the right tools. If your windows always look streaky after you’re finished cleaning, try a different tool. A window-washing squeegee with a soft, smooth rubber edge is perfect for cleaning windows quickly and effectively. If you don’t happen to have one lying around, though, a coffee filter will do in a pinch. The texture of coffee filters makes them better than paper towels or even newspaper for cleaning windows, and they cost almost nothing!
2. Bust mildew with bleach. Over time, mildew spots can appear on wooden window frames, leaving an ugly impression. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution. Reader’s Digest suggests mixing two ounces of household bleach, one ounce of laundry detergent and a quart of water. Use a sponge to spread the solution over the spots, let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with clean water. Just don’t forget to protect your hands with rubber gloves, and watch for splatter on your clothes or hardwood floors.
3. Drop commercial window cleaners. Commercial window cleaners tend to be pretty expensive considering they’re really just food coloring, soap and water. You don’t actually need a specific cleaner just for your windows – instead, you can make a cleaner at home using stuff you already have. Mix a few drops of dish soap with about a quart of water, or equal parts vinegar and water, and you’ll get the same result.
4. Start inside. Chances are pretty good that the outsides of your windows are significantly dirtier than the insides. In order to avoid spreading all of the dirt inside your home, start with the inside windows first, then move outside.
5. Don’t forget the screens. Window screens get dirty too, but they tend to get washed less often because they aren’t as easy to clean. While you’re working on spring cleaning, take a little bit of extra time to remove your screens and give them a good wash. Using a wide, soft-bristled brush, scrub both sides of the screen with hot water and a little bit of dish soap. Once you’ve scrubbed, either shake the screen lightly or tap it against a hard surface to shake loose any dirt. Rinse the screen off with a hose and let it dry before you put it back into place.
Small spring cleaning steps like this can help your home feel like home all year round. And that’s something we’re proud to help you with here at Cinch.
The information in this article is intended to provide guidance on the proper maintenance and care of systems and appliances in the home. Not all of the topics mentioned are covered by our home warranty or maintenance plans. Please review your home warranty contract carefully to understand your coverage.