Utilize new tools to find new leads

Key Tips to Remember
  • Learn how people are finding you online
  • Make sure websites and social media accounts are tailored to what's already working.
  • Take full advantage of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

With competition for homes and clients alike heating up, agents need all the tools they get to generate leads for potential future clients. That's particularly true when it comes to connecting with sellers — given the scarcity of homes for sale in the market today. To that end, real estate professionals would do well to stay on the lookout for anything that can help to give them an edge when it comes to finding those leads.

Often, the best lead-generation tools are software based. Many are even available on smartphones to allow agents to sync from their offices and take the information they need on the go while still keeping everything exactly where it needs to be. Some may allow agents to collect and organize all pertinent data about potential leads, make notes, and set reminders about contacting those people all in one convenient app. That way, even in hectic buying and selling seasons, nothing will slip through the cracks.

Focus on marketing

Many leads now come from online sources, and therefore, it's also valuable to have software that allows agents to effectively manage multiple online accounts and monitor web traffic on an ongoing basis. The more information agents can harness to learn about how and why people are finding their site, the more likely they're going to be to figure out how best to market to consumers who are perhaps already eager to buy or sell. Put in a little extra work when it comes to making sure websites and social media accounts are as tailored to what's already working as possible — especially at this time of year.

By putting in that kind of extra effort and monitoring these software options on an ongoing basis, agents will be able to make their marketing pop off the screen and potentially better engage future clients who may already be motivated to buy or sell based on the changing conditions in the market.

CRM is a must

Customer relationship management software is something many agents have tried already, but it’s wise to consider whether the programs they've used in the past are getting the best results possible for them. The right CRM may allow agents to stand out from the crowd in busy markets by making them more responsive to clients' or leads' ongoing needs and allowing them to keep better track of all aspects of that relationship in one handy location.

In general, the more agents can do to ensure they're staying in touch with all their clients and still connecting with potential leads, the better off they will be when it comes to facilitating more real estate sales. Consequently, investigating all available options to push lead generation forward will help agents find those that help them address any issues they've had in the past while still getting them ready for the future.

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